Integrate with Kate


Integrate with Kate


We believe health isn't just an end goal but a lifestyle that will lead to a more fulfilling life overall.


My own health issues led me to become a health coach. My major health woes started when I was in my late 20s and none of the doctors I went to could figure out what was going on despite all the testing I had done. Looking back though, I realize that there were signs of food sensitivities, gut imbalances, and hormonal imbalance even as far back as my childhood! My passion for my health brought me on an almost 15 year quest researching and reading up on different symptoms, ailments, and treatments before I started school at the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. My own journey is one of the reasons why I make a great coach. I have been there and I understand the struggles and frustrations because that was me!

As a now certified health coach, I work with you providing the space and resources to help you achieve your goals. Maybe you want better digestion. Maybe you want better moods. Maybe you want to feel healthier overall. Or maybe you know things in your life have to change but are unsure where to start. Whatever it is, I help facilitate your healing using a holistic approach that integrates your mind, body, and soul.


There is an old saying that if you haven’t got your health, you haven’t got anything. At Integrate with Kate, we want you to live the life you've always dreamed of and we believe your health is part of the foundation to achieving this life. It is our mission (and joy) to help you on this journey.

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